1.22.0 - More Bug Fixes, Examples and Load Testing Tools

This is the 1.22.0 release of Agones.

This release has lots of important bug fixes, examples and tools. This includes:

  • Fix for Fleet rolling updates getting stuck when under high load.
  • Several SDK fixes, for both Go and C++.
  • Load testing framework for better load scenario testing.
  • A GCP specific multi-cluster allocation example,
  • Ability to integrate Agones internal certificates with cert-manager.

Check the README for details on features, installation and usage.

Implemented enhancements:

  • Add a multi-cluster allocation example solution to leverage GCP resources to connect to multiple Agones clusters #2495
  • Agones controller metrics becomes a huge amount of data over time #2424
  • Allow specifying agones-allocator nodePort via Helm values #1699
  • Optionally include a ServiceMonitor in the Helm chart #1605
  • Integrate with cert-manager to manage secrets on the cluster #1461
  • Load Testing Framework for internal and external usage #412
  • Add Allocation Endpoint GCP solution for multi-cluster allocation to Agones examples #2499 (pooneh-m)
  • Add a tool that can run variable allocation load scenarios #2493 (roberthbailey)
  • updates for next release #2482 (SaitejaTamma)

See CHANGELOG for more details on changes.

Images available with this release:

Helm chart available with this release:

Make sure to add our stable helm repository using helm repo add agones https://agones.dev/chart/stable

Last modified October 3, 2024: Upgrade to Golang Version 1.22.6 and Golangci lint version v1.61.0 (#3988) (cd3bc13)