1.6.0 - Release Candidate

This is the v1.6.0-rc release of Agones.

This release includes several breaking changes to be aware of:

  • Upgrade to required Kubernetes version to 1.15
  • The Alpha Multi Cluster Allocator API has been renamed, refactored slightly and moved to Stable. It is worth noting that Multi Cluster Allocation as a whole (installation, setup, etc) is still in beta, and may change in the future.
  • The node.js SDK has switched to grpc-js. It should be backward compatible, but please let us know if there are issues.

We are also excited to have a new major feature release of Player Tracking - keep track of which players are connected to you GameServers and what your GameServer capacities are!

Check the README for details on features, installation and usage.

Breaking changes:

  • Rename PostAllocate to Allocate in Multi Cluster Allocation Service #1331
  • Proposal: Allocator service to return 400+ http status for failure #1040
  • Change the multi-cluster allocation API version to stable #1540 (pooneh-m)
  • Switch Node.js SDK grpc dependency to grpc-js #1529 (steven-supersolid)
  • Change allocator gRPC response state to gRPC error status #1516 (pooneh-m)
  • Change rpc method from PostAllocate to Allocate #1513 (pooneh-m)
  • Update developer tooling to Kubernetes 1.15 #1486 (roberthbailey)
  • Update documentation describing when we will change the version of Kubernetes that we support. #1477 (roberthbailey)

Implemented enhancements:

Documentation: https://development.agones.dev/site/

See CHANGELOG for more details on changes.

Images available with this release:

Helm chart available with this release:

Make sure to add our stable helm repository using helm repo add agones https://agones.dev/chart/stable

Last modified February 5, 2025: User and developer documentation for Helm json schema validation (#4100) (7a094c6)