1.11.0 - Kubernetes 1.17 and REST API for Allocation
This is the 1.11.0 release of Agones.
This release includes several breaking changes, that include:
- Upgrade supported Kubernetes version to 1.17
- Upgrade CRDs to v1 from v1beta1, including adding structured schemas
For this reason, we request that users test this Release Candidate against their current installs to ensure there are no issues before it is moved to stable.
Also, of note: If you are using Fleet autoscalers with a webhook that is also configured with an SSL certificate, and are not using a SAN in your certificate, please update them with this release in preparation for a migration of the project to Go 1.15.
The documentation on creating SSL certificates for Fleet autoscaling webhooks has been updated to include instructions on including a SAN in the certificate, and has been tested to work on the current version of Agones as well.
Check the README for details on features, installation and usage.
Breaking changes:
- Upgrade to Kubernetes 1.17 #1824
- Update apiextensions.k8s.io/v1beta1 to v1 for all CRDs #1799
- Move apiregistration & admissionregistration to v1 #1918 (markmandel)
- Updated terraform scripts to 1.17 #1916 (markmandel)
- Update client-go to 0.17.14 #1913 (markmandel)
- Adding SAN to fleet autoscaler certs and updating documentation #1910 (kdima)
- Move CRDs from v1beta1 to v1 #1909 (markmandel)
- Upgrade terraform and test clusters to 1.17 #1901 (markmandel)
Security fixes:
- Updated Go to 1.14.12 #1900 (markmandel)
Implemented enhancements:
- Remove support / docs for helm v2 #1853
- grpc-gateway powered REST API for MultiCluster Allocation #1495
- Support Agones sidecar Windows build #110
- Tooling to review pprof heaps #1927 (markmandel)
- Move supported site K8s version to shortcodes #1917 (markmandel)
- Adding rest to allocation endpoint #1902 (kdima)
- #54 Preliminary Windows Image Support #1894 (jeremyje)
See CHANGELOG for more details on changes.
Images available with this release:
- gcr.io/agones-images/agones-controller:1.11.0
- gcr.io/agones-images/agones-sdk:1.11.0
- gcr.io/agones-images/agones-ping:1.11.0
- gcr.io/agones-images/agones-allocator:1.11.0
- gcr.io/agones-images/autoscaler-webhook:0.3
- gcr.io/agones-images/cpp-simple-server:0.13
- gcr.io/agones-images/crd-client:0.3
- gcr.io/agones-images/nodejs-simple-server:0.5
- gcr.io/agones-images/rust-simple-server:0.8
- gcr.io/agones-images/simple-game-server:0.1
- gcr.io/agones-images/tcp-server:0.4
- gcr.io/agones-images/udp-server:0.21
- gcr.io/agones-images/supertuxkart-example:0.3
- gcr.io/agones-images/unity-simple-server:0.3
- gcr.io/agones-images/xonotic-example:0.8
Helm chart available with this release:
Last modified February 5, 2025: User and developer documentation for Helm json schema validation (#4100) (7a094c6)Make sure to add our stable helm repository using
helm repo add agones https://agones.dev/chart/stable