0.11.0 - Unity SDK, Better Packing, and More
More awesome things in this release! Massive thanks to the community for working on Agones 👏
- Unity SDK!
- Better packing on
without a drop in performance. - Being able to use the same container port as the externally exposed port
- and much more!
Check the README for details on features, installation and usage.
Breaking changes:
- Move FleetAutoscaling to autoscaling.agones.dev group #829 (markmandel)
- Fixing SDK proto file according to style guide #776 (aLekSer)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add Events for common errors with Webhook FleetAutoscaler configuration #792
- Self allocation in Node.js is not supported #773
- In case of dynamic port allocation, offer the option to set the container port to the same value as the host port #294
- Implement EnqueueAfter on WorkerQueue #835 (markmandel)
- Changed AllocationEndpoint to array of endpoints #830 (pooneh-m)
- fix: check if NodeExternalIP is empty to fallback to NodeInternalIP #828 (aarnaud)
- Rewrite Agones Overview #824 (markmandel)
- Add Unity SDK #818 (whisper0077)
- PortPolicy of Passthrough - Same Port for Container and Host #817 (markmandel)
- Add Fleet RollingUpdate strategy params validation #808 (aLekSer)
- Batched Packed and Distributed Allocations #804 (markmandel)
- Add Events on FleetAutoscaler connection errors #794 (aLekSer)
- Expose allocate method in node sdk #774 (rorygarand)
- Adding an allocator service that acts as a reverse proxy. #768 (pooneh-m)
- Add Reserved GameServer State #766 (markmandel)
- Add AKS, GKE and Helm terraform modules #756 (aLekSer)
- Add close method to node client #748 (BradfordMedeiros)
See CHANGELOG for more details on changes.
This software is currently alpha, and subject to change. Not to be used in production systems.
Images available with this release:
- gcr.io/agones-images/agones-controller:0.11.0
- gcr.io/agones-images/agones-sdk:0.11.0
- gcr.io/agones-images/agones-ping:0.11.0
- gcr.io/agones-images/cpp-simple-server:0.5
- gcr.io/agones-images/udp-server:0.11
- gcr.io/agones-images/xonotic-example:0.5
Helm chart available with this release:
Last modified February 5, 2025: User and developer documentation for Helm json schema validation (#4100) (7a094c6)Make sure to add our stable helm repository using
helm repo add https://agones.dev/chart/stable