0.11.0 - Release Candidate
This cycles release candidate! Test is out for the next week, and try out the new features:
- Unity SDK!
- Better packing on
without a drop in performance. - Being able to use the same container port as the externally exposed port
- and much more!
We are now in feature freeze until Tuesday, 25th of June. This means only docs, bug fixes and tests PRs will be merged during this time.
(Other PRs will be labelled feature-freeze-do-not-merge
and will be held until after that date)
Check the README for details on features, installation and usage.
Breaking changes:
- Move FleetAutoscaling to autoscaling.agones.dev group #829 (markmandel)
- Fixing SDK proto file according to style guide #776 (aLekSer)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add Events for common errors with Webhook FleetAutoscaler configuration #792
- Self allocation in Node.js is not supported #773
- In case of dynamic port allocation, offer the option to set the container port to the same value as the host port #294
- Implement EnqueueAfter on WorkerQueue #835 (markmandel)
- Changed AllocationEndpoint to array of endpoints #830 (pooneh-m)
- fix: check if NodeExternalIP is empty to fallback to NodeInternalIP #828 (aarnaud)
- Rewrite Agones Overview #824 (markmandel)
- Add Unity SDK #818 (whisper0077)
- PortPolicy of Passthrough - Same Port for Container and Host #817 (markmandel)
- Add Fleet RollingUpdate strategy params validation #808 (aLekSer)
- Batched Packed and Distributed Allocations #804 (markmandel)
- Add Events on FleetAutoscaler connection errors #794 (aLekSer)
- Expose allocate method in node sdk #774 (rorygarand)
- Adding an allocator service that acts as a reverse proxy. #768 (pooneh-m)
- Add Reserved GameServer State #766 (markmandel)
- Add AKS, GKE and Helm terraform modules #756 (aLekSer)
- Add close method to node client #748 (BradfordMedeiros)
Documentation: https://development.agones.dev/site/
See CHANGELOG for more details on changes.
This software is currently alpha, and subject to change. Not to be used in production systems.
Images available with this release:
- gcr.io/agones-images/agones-controller:0.11.0-rc
- gcr.io/agones-images/agones-sdk:0.11.0-rc
- gcr.io/agones-images/agones-ping:0.11.0-rc
- gcr.io/agones-images/cpp-simple-server:0.5
- gcr.io/agones-images/udp-server:0.11
- gcr.io/agones-images/xonotic-example:0.5
Helm chart available with this release:
Last modified February 5, 2025: User and developer documentation for Helm json schema validation (#4100) (7a094c6)Make sure to add our stable helm repository using
helm repo add https://agones.dev/chart/stable